Management Systems Services-RSPO Certified Palm Oil

RSPO Certified Palm Oil

Supply Chain Certification – RSPO

The need to prove the sustainability of products is becoming more and more important in today’s world. Ensuring that the claims you are making stand up to scrutiny is critical and part of an organisation’s management of business risk. Supply Chain Certification can deliver this assurance. It ensures that your supply chain is secure, traceable and provides credible evidence of a product’s sustainability.

Supply Chain Certification is the unbroken path which products take from source to consumer, including all stages of refining, manufacture, processing, transportation and distribution. As such it ensures that your product comes from where you say it comes from.

CANACERT Certification offer Supply Chain certification for Palm Oil. We have been delivering certification services since 1974 and Supply Chain certification for wood and paper products since 1999. We are a world-leading Certification Body in this field and as such have a wealth of experience and understanding of the issues and challenges that Supply Chain traceability can bring.

Aims of Supply Chain Certification

Supply Chain Certification provides evidence that the product originates from a certified, well managed source, and verifies that products are not mixed with products from uncertified sources at any point in the supply chain, except under strict management controls. There are three systems for Palm Oil:

  • Identity Preserved
    Physical isolation from all other palm oil sources.
  • Segregation
    Physical isolation from non-certified palm oil sources (allows mixing with other certified palm oil).
  • Mass Balance
    Allows mixing of certified and non-certified palm oil in a controlled environment, ensuring that the volume of certified palm outputs never exceed the certified inputs.

The key elements to achieving a secure Supply Chain system are as follows:

  1. Critical Control Points
    CCP’s are the points in the process where there is the possibility for mixing of certified and uncertified material. Each of the points identified will need controls to ensure that mixing does not occur. Each of the points identified will need rigorous management controls.
  2. Product Identification
    One of the simplest ways to ensure that certified and uncertified products are not mixed is through clear identification of certified products.

    • Products from certified sources are clearly identified as such, and procedures exist to control this identification.
    • Where appropriate, raw materials, work in progress and finished goods carry unique identification from which it is possible to trace the material to a certified source.
    • Production runs of certified and/or non-certified product should be separated physically or in time.
  3. Documentation
    Documentation is an essential part of a Supply Chain system. In particular:

    • A management representative should be identified, with responsibility and authority to implement and maintain the Supply Chain system.
    • All staff should understand their specific responsibilities in the control of the Supply Chain system, and have adequate training in order to fulfil their assigned tasks.
    • Records of training and experience should be maintained, appropriate to the scale of operations, identifying previous training and likely additional training needs.
  4. Records Required by Auditors
    Adequate record keeping is a very important part of maintaining a secure Supply Chain system. All records should be legible and controlled. The following records will be key to your system:

    • Procedures for the identification, collection, filing, storage, maintenance and retention of all relevant records, appropriate to the scale of the operation.
    • All records relating to the Supply Chain system should be kept for a minimum of five years.
    • The following records, as appropriate, should be maintained:
      • Purchase records, including purchase orders, contracts, invoices and a list of approved suppliers.
      • Goods inwards notes and records of proof of delivery.
      • Stock records of raw materials and finished products, including where appropriate, annual stock taking results.
      • Production records.
      • Sales, invoices and delivery notes issued.
      • Training records.

Verification of Public Claims and Statements

A key part of the certification process is the independent verification of the public claims and statements that certified organisations make about the products they sell.

For details of the costs of certification please complete and return our Request for online Quotation Form.

For further information please Contact Us.